REKLAIM Certified
Reklaim ensures all preowned luxury handbags and watches offered on the platform are 100% authentic.
Luxury watches and handbags are only posted on REKLAIM after undergoing our complete Authentication Certification Process, ACP, combining advanced technology and human expertise.
To guarantee authenticity, a team of experts employ a rigorous three-step authentication process that leaves no room for doubt. The team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of luxury brands and their products.
Reklaim then utilizes advanced technology and techniques to further verify the authenticity of the products offered.
To ensure authenticity, REKLAIM does not purchase luxury goods from the general public.
Reklaim sources its products exclusively from vetted, esteemed sources within the luxury resale industry.
This careful selection of suppliers is a crucial step in ensuring that every luxury handbag and watch Reklaim offers is authentic.
"What you see is what you get" Guarantee
By combining human expertise with cutting-edge technology, customers can confidently invest in Reklaim's luxury handbags and watches with complete trust in the product's legitimacy.
All items are genuine certified pre-owned and their previous owners are now passing them on to be loved again.
REKLAIM is not an authorized reseller of any of the luxury brands we sell.
In the unlikely event that something is found to be unauthentic by any of our trusted third-party authenticators, we will refund 100% of the original price.